How Long Is The Black Crowes Concert?

  • Posted on: 25 Jul 2024
    How Long Is The Black Crowes Concert?

  • The Black Crowes is an American rock band that was established in 1984 and has a distinctive Southern rock style that is informed by the blues. Throughout their time together, the band has performed countless high-intensity shows filled with long guitar solos and improvisations. However, if you are planning to watch a Black Crowes performance in the near future, then you might be asking yourself a question:

    How long is the concert expected to take?

    On average, a Black Crowes concert would last approximately two hours. However, given that this is a live musical group that occasionally engages in freestyling, their concerts have lasted over three hours. The band is not reluctant to extend songs, play intermissions before songs, or engage in conversation with the audience. So, remember that you are up for a long and tiring performance!

    When it comes to the number of songs, the Black Crowes have performed roughly 20–25 songs in their concerts in the past decade. They have a broad selection to choose from simply because they have eight studio albums under their belt, not to mention the regular cover songs that they also perform. Because of that, the band attempts to change the setlists in order to provide the audience with a different experience during each tour. It is common to find concert classics such as ‘Hard to Handle,’ ‘Jealous Again,’ and ‘She Talks to Angels’ alongside songs that are usually found only in albums.

    When the Black Crowes were inactive from 2002 to 2005 due to Chris Robinson’s solo career, the band played shorter sets in some shows. They made a point of not playing full, two-hour plus concerts during their shows from the period between 1994 and 1995 up to 2004, but since they fully reunited in 2005, they have been delivering full concerts on their tours. In 2013, the band had to cancel some concerts because of the death of a family member, but they returned to fulfill the remaining shows and even perform more numbers. It appears that their love for the live performance is increasing with each subsequent tour that they embark upon.

    The band’s 2013 tour serves as a very good example of the marathon sets the Black Crowes still stage on a regular basis. All the shows on this tour consisted of an epic 25-song, two-and-a half-hour performance. Most nights, they are on stage until past 11:00 pm. Through Robinson’s distinct stage persona and the musicianship of the band, they maintain the intensity level consistently from the first note to the last encore.

    Hence, it’s advisable to plan your babysitter, get off  work early enough, and get your best sleep the night before a Black Crowes concert. The chances are almost certain that you will be standing on your feet for more than two hours, enjoying every bit of the blues-filled performance as the band plays through the night. The only thing I can bet my bottom dollar on when it comes to the Black Crowes concert in 2022 is that nobody will be leaving the venue early.

    The Crowes are true artists of modern roots rock and one of the most entertaining live bands around, and this loyal fan will never leave disappointed. From bodacious sing-along sessions, guitar battles, Keys performances, and massive jams, one thing is certain: it’s impossible to be bored at such musical extravaganzas. Well, after midnight, you can come out of the venue with ringing ears, tired legs, and a huge smile on your face!